Tsunami PPT: Causes, Risks, Planning Strategies 

A tsunami is a series of large ocean waves usually caused by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides. These waves can travel at high speeds across vast distances and grow to enormous heights as they approach the shore. Tsunamis can cause significant destruction, flooding coastal areas, damaging buildings, and posing serious risks to human life.

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Tsunami PPT: Causes, Risks, Planning Strategies 

Early warning systems are crucial for minimizing the impact, giving people time to evacuate to safer areas. Understanding the causes and signs of a tsunami, such as the rapid retreat of water from the shore, can help communities prepare and respond effectively to these natural disasters.

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Table of Content for Tsunami PPT

  • Introduction
  • Definition
  • How Tsunami Works?
  • Characteristics
  • Causes
  • Risks
  • Planning Strategies to Reduce Tsunami Risk
  • Conclusion

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Tsunami PPT

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