The solar system is our cosmic neighborhood, consisting of the Sun and everything that orbits it. This includes eight planets like Earth, Mars, and Jupiter, as well as dwarf planets like Pluto. The planets travel around the Sun in elliptical paths called orbits.
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Solar System PPT Free Download: Definition and Components
Besides planets, there are moons, asteroids, and comets. The Sun, a massive ball of hot gas, is the center and provides the light and heat necessary for life on Earth. Each planet has unique features, such as rings, volcanoes, or giant storms. Understanding the solar system helps us learn more about the universe and our place in it.
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Table of Content for Solar System PPT
- What is the solar system?
- How Solar System Looks
- Definition of the Solar System
- Components
- The Sun
- Planets
- Moons
- Asteroids
- Comets
- Dwarf planets
- Conclusion
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