There are many events wherein we want to explain an occasion or motion that happened, and really regularly that consists of repeating what a person stated. Such events can encompass a social situation in addition to in a piece email or presentation. In order to explain what humans stated there are one of a kind varieties of speech – direct speech and oblique speech (or said speech). When we need to explain what a person stated, one choice is to apply direct speech.
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Direct and Indirect Speech PPT Free Download with Examples
We use direct speech while we really repeat what a person says, putting the word among speech marks. When we need to record what a person stated with out speech marks and with out necessarily the usage of precisely the equal words, we are able to use indirect speech (additionally known as reported speech).
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Table of Content for Direct and Indirect Speech PPT
- Definition
- Introduction
- Direct Speech
- Indirect Speech
- Using ‘say’ or ‘tell’
- Changing time Expression
- Examples of Direct & Indirect Speech
- Conclusion
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