The Chi-Square Test is a statistical method used to determine if there’s a significant association between two categorical variables. It’s commonly used in research to test hypotheses about observed frequencies in different categories. For example, you might use it to see if there’s a relationship between gender and preference for a type of product.
Also See: Probability PPT: Definition, Types, Formula, Applications
Chi-Square Test PPT: Meaning, Formula, Examples
The test compares the observed frequencies with the expected frequencies if there were no association. A significant result indicates that the differences in frequencies are unlikely to be due to chance alone. This test helps researchers understand relationships and patterns within their data.
Also See: Statistics PPT: Meaning, Importance, Types, Process
Table of Content for Chi-Square Test PPT
- Introduction
- What Is a Chi-Square Test?
- Characteristics of Chi square test in Statistics
- Formula For Chi-Square Test
- Why Do You Use the Chi-Square Test?
- Who Uses Chi-Square Analysis?
- Example and Steps Involved
- Limitations of Chi-Square Test
- Conclusion
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