Case control studies are a type of observational research used to understand the causes of a condition or disease. In these studies, researchers compare two groups: one with the condition (cases) and one without (controls). They look back in time to examine exposure to potential risk factors. This helps identify factors that may contribute to the condition.
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Case Control Studies PPT: Meaning, Procedure, Advantages
For example, researchers might study people with lung cancer (cases) and compare them to those without (controls) to see if smoking history differs. Case control studies are efficient for studying rare conditions but rely on accurate recollection of past exposure, which can sometimes be a limitation.
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Table of Content for Case Control Studies PPT
- Introduction
- How are case-control studies conducted?
- Strengths of case-control studies conducted?
- Example of case-control studies conducted?
- Case-Control Study Design
- Selecting cases and controls
- Assigning the exposure
- Analysis of Case-Control Study Design
- Advantages and disadvantages
- conclusion
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