Real numbers are the numbers we use in everyday life. They include all the numbers on the number line, such as whole numbers (like 2 or -5), fractions (like 1/2), and decimals (like 3.14). Real numbers can be either positive, negative, or zero.
Also See: Probability PPT
Real Numbers PPT: Meaning, Types, Properties, Applications
They are divided into two main types: rational numbers, which can be written as fractions, and irrational numbers, which cannot (like √2 or π). Real numbers are important because they help us measure, count, and describe things in the real world, from distances to quantities, making them essential in math and science.
Also See: Statistics PPT
Table of Content for Real Numbers PPT
- Introduction
- Types of Real Numbers
- Properties
- Number Line and Real Numbers
- Operations on Real Numbers
- Rational and Irrational Numbers
- Density Property
- Applications
- Conclusion
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