Network devices are hardware components that connect computers and other devices to form a network. Common examples include routers, which direct data traffic between different networks, and switches, which connect multiple devices within a single network, allowing them to communicate. Modems are used to connect to the internet by converting digital data into analog signals and vice versa.
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Network Devices PPT: Introduction, Types, Advantages
Access points provide wireless connectivity for devices like smartphones and laptops. Firewalls protect networks from unauthorized access and cyber threats. These devices work together to ensure seamless, secure communication and data transfer within and between networks, making our digital interactions possible.
Also See: Firewall PPT Download: History, Types and Applications
Table of Content for Network Devices PPT:
- Introduction
- What are network devices?
- Types of Network Devices
- Network Hub
- Network Switch
- Gateway
- Network Router
- Bridge
- Repeater
- Advantages
- Conclusion
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