Email etiquette involves following a set of guidelines to communicate effectively and respectfully through email. Start with a clear and concise subject line to convey the purpose. Address the recipient appropriately, using their name if known. Keep the message brief and to the point, using polite language.
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Email Etiquette PPT Free: What, Why and Rules
Avoid using all caps, which can seem like shouting, and be mindful of your tone to prevent misunderstandings. Proofread for spelling and grammar errors before sending. Use a professional closing, like “Best regards,” followed by your name. Proper email etiquette ensures your message is well-received and reflects positively on you.
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Table of Content for Email Etiquette PPT
- What is Email Etiquette?
- Why Is Email Etiquette Important?
- Rules of Email Etiquette
- Subject Line
- Salutation
- Body of the Email
- Closing
- Signature
- Attachments
- Responding
- Conclusion
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