History of Internet PPT Free: Introduction and Evolution

Internet is short  for Connected Network. It has become an crucial part of our lives and helps us connect with people against all over the world. The Internet consists of a large number of independently managed networks. It is fully distributed with no central control. Each independently managed system is designed to ensure full connectivity to every part of the network.The Internet is simply an buried cable that  allows two computers to communicate with each other.

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History of Internet PPT Free: Introduction and Evolution

A server is a specific computer that is directly connected  to the Internet. When we talk about specific websites, we are simply talking about files stored on the server’s hard drive. Each server has a unique protocol address or  IP address. IP addresses are needed for computers to find each other.

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Table of Content for History of Internet PPT

  • Definition
  • Introduction
  • History of the Internet
  • How does Internet Work?
  • Evolution of the Internet
  • Advantages of the Internet
  • Conclusion

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History of Internet PPT

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